Addiction Services

You may feel like some emotions are too intense or that you feel numb and you just want to feel something. Alcohol and/or other drugs may make it easier than facing those emotions. Or maybe you find escape in shopping, internet, gambling, sex, work, or food. You may have others in your life giving you ultimatums or refusing to help. Addiction can leave individuals feeling like they are alone and there is no way out. Recovery is possible. We can help.

“One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.”

-Demi Lovato

Addiction can be a symptom of other issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, self-esteem, etc. Sometimes people self-medicate. I often tell my client that addiction is a disease of emotions. We are hurting from the pain of the emotions or other issues we are facing. Alcohol and/or other drugs provide an escape.

Addictions can also be behavioral addictions. Most common behavioral addictions include sex, work, food, shopping, internet, and gambling. Same continues with behavioral addictions, we are chasing a high to escape the reality we face every day.

The important thing to know is there is hope. You may hear this and think there is no way with how I am feeling right now. Right now, in the trenches of despair and hopelessness, it may seem like that. The thing is there are people recovering every day. Everyday someone wakes up saying this is the day I am going to pick me. Make today that day for you!


 Common Drugs Used in Oklahoma

Please click on the links for additional information and resources related to these.

·       Alcohol

·       Methamphetamines

·       Opiates

·       Marijuana


 What is Addiction Therapy?

There is no one way to treat addictions. Addiction therapy focuses on being honest about your addiction history, exploring your recovery path, and listing treatment goals. There are a few things that are starting blocks for your recovery path:

  1. Identifying negative thinking patterns (stinkin’ thinkin’) and triggers

  2. Identifying and practicing new coping skills.

  3. Defining and exploring your recovery path and goals.

  4. Exploring underlying core issues.

Recovery is Possible. We are here to help you find your path.