Contact Us

Overcoming obstacles during life changes can be our greatest struggle, but also our greatest triumph. That first step is showing up and asking for help. Believing in yourself can be hard in the beginning. Let me bee-lieve in you.

Welcome to your new bee-ginning!

To schedule appointment or consultations, please use the button below.

We are currently providing services virtually only.

Business Hours:

Sunday: Closed

Monday: 8am to 8pm

Tuesday: 8am to 5pm

Wednesday: 8am to 5pm

Thursday: 8am to 8pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Current Openings:

Every Other Week:

Mondays at 12pm


Mondays at 10am

Tuesdays at 2pm


Currently Believe Recovery Counseling LLC is a virtual practice.

Mailing Address (not a physical address):

12444 NW 10th ST

STE 202 #157

Yukon, OK 73099


Work: 405-265-9047

Fax: 405-265-9049

Thank you for coming to our site. We appreciate you visiting with us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please fill out the form below.

Please note that this is not a secure form of communication, so please do not provide any confidential and/or sensitive information on this form or any other form on this site.
***It is not okay to use this form for soliciting purposes.***

For more information, please use the contact form below.

 If you would like weekly updates about the blog or informational emails about different topics, please subscribe to our email list. If you are like me and hate spammy emails, rest assure this is not one of them. I will only send email about blogs or if I create a new worksheet that I want to share.